Talks & Coaching
We regularly offer lectures about WeltBeweger and other topics for anyone who is interested. We are also often invited to visit churches, other associations or companies. We are also happy to come to you! Just contact us or send us an e-mail.
Furthermore, we often offer evenings for entrepreneurs and people in positions with responsibility. Many people with responsibility really appreciate this exchange.
Currently there are no events.
Currently there are no events.
Mittwoch | | Ev.-Freik. Gemeinde Erlangen (EFGE), Äußere Brucker Str. 50, 91052 Erlangen
Referent: Dr. Andreas Walther
Gottesdienst am Buß- und Bettag
Sonntag | | Kirche St. Michael, Ev.-Luth. Kirchgemeinde Mülsen, An der Kirche 2, 08132 Mülsen/ St. Micheln