
See the Unseen
Visiting-Service in the red-light district

Under the umbrella of Weltbeweger, we work largely on a voluntary basis in several cities in eastern Germany, visiting foreign and German women in brothels or working apartments. We bring them small gifts and talk to them. Our wish is to give the women dignity and show them how precious they are. The driving force behind everything we do is our Christian brotherly love. God has good thoughts about every woman. Furthermore, we engage in preventive work whenever possible. WeltBeweger is a member of the network  "Gemeinsam gegen Menschenhandel" (Together against Human Trafficking) and stands up against forced prostitution. 


Building trust, providing hope, giving appreciation to those who have lost self-determination over their lives.

Our goal

What we do as Visiting Service

In our voluntary service, we listen to the people in the milieu, refer them to doctors or local health offices, and always offer our help. Furthermore, we are also active in prevention work whenever possible. We organize a network meeting once or twice a year to exchange experiences with other groups from Saxony and Thuringia and to educate ourselves further. Upon request, we also give lectures and organize seminars on the topics of prostitution and human trafficking. 

Our Visiting Services


  • in Chemnitz
  • wurde 2017 gegründet


Adamastos Hope

  • in Dresden
  • wurde 2014 gegründet

Kontakt Website


  • in Erfurt
  • wurde 2016 gegründet


Projekt Freiheit

  • in Zwickau
  • wurde 2017 gegründet



  • in Jena
  • wurde 2017 gegründet




Currently there are no events.


Samstag | | Wiener Platz Dresden

Besuchsdienst im Rotlichtmilieu

Walk for Freedom in Dresden

Read more …

Dienstag | | in der Stadtbibliothek DAS tietz

Buchlesung von Huschke Mau

Read more …

This is how you can change the world with us


Pray for WeltBeweger if you believe in the power of prayer.


Donate to WeltBeweger if you want to support our work.


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